Inception Report Development Finance Assessment (DFA) for Transformation of Kenya

to support the National Treasury and Planning (TNT&P) to elaborate a Development Finance Assessment to develop a Development Finance Assessment (DFA) as a critical step for developing an Integrated National Financing Framework for Kenya’s financing needs and financing landscape as well as a macroeconomic framework to guide its short, medium, and long-term resource mobilization efforts in line with Government of Kenya’s (GOK) domestic and external financing strategies. The assignment is being undertaken by two experts (international and national consultants) who will engage in an assessment and diagnosis of Kenya’s current social, economic and environmental context, financing needs and landscape, INFF structure and process as well as a road-map to establish an INFF. The work will involve desk review of the literature, studies, surveys and reports; information and data gathering from secondary sources including publications by the Government of Kenya (GoK), United Nations, International Finance Institutions (IFIs), Development Partners (DPs), Partner and Peer Countries (PPCs) and academia, among others; interviews and focused-group discussions with stakeholders; and report writing and presentations