SDG Partnership Platform

The Government of Kenya announced at the UN General Assembly meeting in September 2017 that it has established the SDG Partnership Platform as a high level collaboration between the Government of Kenya and the UN system in Kenya in pursuit of accelerating the attainment of the SDGs in Kenya by enhancing multi-stakeholder and cross-sectoral partnerships.
The Platform convenes a range of partners from Government, UN, development partners, private sector, civil society, philanthropy, academia, and faith-based organizations to create diverse SDG accelerator windows. Primary Healthcare (PHC) - contributing to the SDG 3 cluster - will be the first window. Subsequently, the Platform will open additional windows to support thematic SDG clusters in support of Kenya’s Big Four agenda.
The Platform has received global attention and acknowledgement and been selected as one out of three most promising UN models to transition “from funding to financing” for the attainment of SDG impacts.
The Platform aspires to unlock significant private-public collaborations and investments around carefully selected transformative initiatives support the Government of Kenya’s Big Four agenda up to 2022 and provide exciting opportunities for targeted engagements for UN agencies locally as well.