SDG Partnership Platform helps to convene connect and catalyze SDG partnership investment and financing to unlock and influence private capital
UNHCR has joined the huge network of the SDG Partnership Platform, an important ecosystem that enables in the transition from SDG funding to financing for emerging middle income countries.
The Platform is a unique co created entity cocreated by the Government of Kenya and the UN system at the UN General Assembly in 2017 to convene connect, and catalyze SDG Partnership investments and financing to unlock and influence private capital flows towards private collaborations on a shared volume basis to help drive profit ith purpose for simultaneous economic and social benefits
This partnership comes at an opportune time as the UN System in Kenya advances on the development of the Cooperation framework with Government of Kenya to address key development challenges and resource gaps in the evolving 21st Century context.
The Platform has four strategic objectives:
1) joint advocacy and policy dialogue to create an enabling environment where partnership thrives;
2) partnering at scale for impact: support to identify large-scale public-private partnerships and collaborations; Identify and broker large scale PPPs that align with the SDG themes reflected in the Kenya UNDAF Strategic Result Areas, and drive shared value creation
3) maximizing innovative finance; and -Raise required investments for the PPPs under 2 above, through optimizing blended financing instruments and redirection of capital flows towards SDG implementation, engaging a wide range of stakeholders from public and private sector
4) facilitating data management, learning and research to inform progressive policy and practice for SDG partnerships.
The Platform is a UN Development Assistance Framework flagship initiative which will take leadership on overarching facilitation,