United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) is a core instrument for providing a coherent, strategic direction for UN development activities by all UN entities at country level. It guides the UN system in planning and implementing UN development activities at country level, as well as in mobilizing a spectrum of development partners beyond the United Nations.
The UNSDCF- Kenya 2022-2026, therefore, represents the collective agreement of the UN Kenya’s agencies, funds and programmes and the Government of Kenya for UN Kenya to support the national priorities of Kenya as expressed in Vision 2030 to address national priorities and gaps in its pathway towards meeting the SDGs through the collective promise to leave no one behind. The UNSDCF will be a living document over its four-year life. It will be reviewed to ensure its complete alignment with Kenya’s Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) once finalised and with the expressed sustainable development priorities of the new Government after the August 2022 elections.