Promoting Inclusion and Economic Empowerment of Refugees and Host Communities in Turkana County for Self Reliance
07 November 2020
Caption: A Refugee harvests vegetables in a greenhouse at Kalobayei agricultural scheme where she is able to get food for her family and surplus is sold in the market
Kalobeyei settlement in Turkana County is a flagship initiative of the UN in Kenya to enhance livelihood opportunities for both refugees and host communities
Despite the COVID19 pandemic the UN in Kenya is working in lockstep with the Government of Kenya to respond to the needs of refugees and the host communities in Turkana County. The Kalobeyei Integrated Socio-Economic Plan (KISEDP), realised in the Kalobeyei settlement in Turkana County, remains a flagship initiative of the UN family in Kenya, promoting self-reliance for refugees and economic empowerment for the communities that host them. Underpinned by the humanitarian-development nexus approach and the Global Compact on Refugees, the KISEDP builds on the SDGs and contributes to the overall achievement of the 2030 Agenda in Kenya. The initiative is co-led by the Government of Kenya and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR ) and brings together the expertise and operational capacity of Resident Coordinator's Office (RCO) World Food Programme (WFP), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Organization for Migration (IOM), United Nations Human Settlement Program (UNHABITAT) and United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF). It also capitalizes on strategic partnerships with the private sector and development and humanitarian actors. Despite multiple humanitarian challenges, the UN Country Team in Kenya continues to advance the development agenda on the ground and ensuring we leave no one behind and delivering as one.
UN entities involved in this initiative
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations